Scientific Name Amomum subulatum Roxb.
Local Name Elaichi/ Bara elaichi
Family Zingiberaceae Distribution
State/World wide Sikkim, Darjeeling, Arunachal Pradesh, Bhutan, Nepal
Common Name of Disease: 2.CHIRKEY
Local Name of Disease -Chirkey
Causal Organism -Mosaic Streak Virus
Distribution of Disease in Sikkim

-Present in all the four districts of Sikkim irrespective of variety and locality

Disease Incidence -Moderate
Site of Infection  -Leaves, pseudostems and clumbs
Dissemination of the Disease -The dissemination of disease takes place through infected planting materials, contaminated tools, and   insect   vector.

The disease is characterized by mosaic appearance on leaves. The symptom is moreprominent on young emerged leaves where discrete pale green to yellow longitudinal strips running parallel to each other can be seen. The flowering is greatly reduced thereby reducing the yield with time.Favourable environmental condition for disease: Inadequate shades, water stress condition, lack of phyto-sanitation to destroy the insect vectors, presence of infected old plants in garden.

Mode of Transmission
Viral diseases are primarily transmitted through planting material, through sap by the aphid, Raphalosiphum maidis. Disease is also spread through using the contaminated operational tools and implements..

Life cycle of Organism         :
Plant Protection Measures  :
Viral diseases of plants are cancerous in nature and are difficult to cure. Early identification of the diseased plants, uprooting and burning on community basis helps reduce the spread.Avoid collecting planting materials from infected garden.Establish nursery about 500m away from the plantation in order to avoid aphid colonization.Maintain the garden clean from old cut tillers and weeds so as to control aphid colonization.Sterilization of the tools by dipping in hot water for half an hour before harvesting or cleaning of the healthy field is important to avoid mechanical transmission of the disease.

Bioinformatics Sub- DISC, SSCS&T